Safe Harbor

Elizabeth Ann Smith

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Let me lead you into SAFE HARBOR, where you'll receive through this instrumental music an impartation of "Compassion and Love" that words alone cannot speak to your heart,bringing you healing and peace. Interweaving Piano and Flute.

Let me lead you into SAFE HARBOR...into the Presence of the Lord...The one who heals emotions, restores your soul,

Let me lead you into SAFE HARBOR, where you'll receive through this instrumental music an impartation of "Compassion and Love" that words alone cannot speak to your heart,bringing you healing and peace. Interweaving Piano and Flute.

Let me lead you into SAFE HARBOR...into the Presence of the Lord...The one who heals emotions, restores your soul, and binds up your wounds...

He who indeed knows you best, AND loves you the most... The One who knows all, sees all, and "is aware" of your inner self as your creator and sustainer.

Friend, if you are dealing with marital problems, health problems, stress issues, troubles with getting to sleep, or other mind-distracting weights upon you...then realize this CD's music was given FOR YOU. You will be brought to a peace as you let the music take your mind away from the "circumstances" and unto its intricate melodies, and journey into a place of peace. As David played for Saul in the bible, so this music will calm down that which is "tormenting you". It is a spiritual gift being shared to bless YOU.

Believe that God will meet you "where you're at". You don't have to do anything but come TO HIM...

The storms of life are only going to increase until Christ Jesus' imminent return, but right now HE INVITES YOU to come out of the storm into Safe Harbor, found in HIM alone.

Listening to this CD, you will become aware of the emotions of God at this time, and toward you.

The music on this CD builds like "a journey", beginning with the first song representative of a crises in your life perhaps, the emotions of an aftermath, but then with each song God works in your spirit to build you back up, giving you fresh hope for each new thing life may bring.

In this instrumental soaking CD, intricate melodies of the grand piano and solo flute interweave...producing a “new sound” that brings relaxation, comfort, rest, and healing.

Safe Harbor will recall memories as you listen. Emotions will follow your heart’s imaginings throughout the varied movement of the pieces. And you will also experience the Heart of God toward you, ministering to you...personally. He knows who you are and what you are going through right NOW.

It is best-listened-to when you are quiet and alone, for the music itself is like “a voice” that ministers in peaceful waves. Stresses subside. The mind stills. Inspiration is received. Each song takes you a step further on a journey to wholeness.

This is not "new age"... it is "worship". This CD has an anointing of peace upon it; given by the Spirit of God to comfort His people, wherever you are, whatever you may be going through. May you be touched with His love as you listen...bringing great peace. It is for believer and unbeliever alike. It is totally instrumental music. No preaching, but yet communication from the Lord is indeed in the music.

The anointing upon this CD is strongest when listened to in its entirety and you "allow yourself" to be quieted for a period of time in the presence of the Lord, receiving into your heart, through music, what words cannot express to your spirit.

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