Kingdom Living

Elizabeth Ann Smith

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YOU WILL BE CHALLENGED, BLESSED, GIVEN COURAGE AND STRENGTH, as this discipleship CD is centered on Kingdom Living.

Praise, worship, testimonies, and songs of discipleship focused on what Kingdom living is all about. The songs have scriptural premises and hold “fresh words” of exhortation for today’s believers.

This CD is a great one to both sing

YOU WILL BE CHALLENGED, BLESSED, GIVEN COURAGE AND STRENGTH, as this discipleship CD is centered on Kingdom Living.

Praise, worship, testimonies, and songs of discipleship focused on what Kingdom living is all about. The songs have scriptural premises and hold “fresh words” of exhortation for today’s believers.

This CD is a great one to both sing along with, and to receive revelation from, for it is full of truth.

The first two songs are praise songs.

A fun Jewish dance is hidden in the center of Boast About This...and will set your feet to dancing.

Reflecting Jesus - About how we become LIKE HIM as we gaze UPON HIM.

Plenty - A song of how Boaz (in the book of Ruth) is like our Lord Jesus, in that he represents Plenty. If you study the character of Boaz, you will see him as a "type" of Christ...this song touches upon just one aspect of this actually.

Strong - Is a song with this lesson "If we do not replace our weakness with HIS strength we are paralyzed to do what God tells us to do.

I Am Everything - A song given by the Spirit directly to Elizabeth... full of fresh rhema truth for us all...

Daughter of the King - A song of testimony about how her mindset changing from "the servant" to "the daughter" changed her life.

New Trust and Obey - Just as it says, melody to an old hymn, that makes the words penetrate your soul.

Capture Every Thought - This song gives insight into what this means and a practical "how to" apply this scripture: Cor. 10:5 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ".

Poor & Foreigners Accepted - This song was originally written for a musical called Boaz, in regard to Ruth, yet it contains revelation truth for today's people who feel as if they are "outcasts"...poor and foreign. Please know YOU ARE ACCEPTED BY CHRIST if you'll but come to him and to his family, the Church, to be received.

Time and Time Again - This is again a song of testimony which describes that the Lord's ability TO LEAD, and his desire to keep you on the right path--the path going "somewhere"...

All or Nothing - Not for those who don't want to be challenged. This song, directly from the Spirit for this hour, is a definite exhortation to WHOLEHEARTEDNESS.

I Am The King - This song is a prophetic exhortation from the Lord to his children. Main messages Attitude, Gratitude: Strength, Fortitude: Come from knowing Christ is KING. He is in control, and He does indeed Still Reign over the affairs of men.

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