From the recording Kingdom Living

The Spirit gave this song, and the lyrics will speak for themselves, yet He did later reveal to me the text I Cor 3:21-23 (2nd vs) which confirms what I had received.


If you look at me
You will see my heart
It is for All people
All places
But to Not believe this is a sin
If you look at me
You will see my heart
It is for All people
All places
But to Not believe this is a sin
Children, I require you
To Love Me first
Then you are able to love My people
When this is
Then I Am

I am everything
And when you look to me
You have everything
All is mine
So, where ever You go
All is yours
I am everything
And when you look to me
You have everything
All is mine
So, where ever You go
All is yours
Children, you must believe my love
Has put you where I want you
Trusting in my love is what's important
When this is, then I Am

Take confidence
Not shame
Take courage
Not despair
Take joy
Not strife
Now Rest
Quit striving
Just Rest