Practice Makes Perfect

As I awoke this morning, the phrase “Practice Makes Perfect” came to me, and thoughts began to flood my mind as I remained still. Soon, as they came, I knew it was The Holy Spirit telling me these important things. 

I shall do my best now to retell of them. For these thoughts are to be shared:

First, I recalled Jesus telling his disciples to go out and do the work of the ministry… i.e. they were to go out and heal people, deliver people, bring to them their knowledge of Jesus, etc. He had sent them out two by two. Later, these same men would tell the world of Jesus, and share the gospel of his death and resurrection and coming again, and share with folks how to be saved and to receive the Holy Spirit. It was as if “they were practicing” while they yet had Jesus with them, so that they could come back to him with questions, concerns, and their excitement. 

I am sure they learned a great deal during this “practice time,” as they went out at Jesus’ command, which then brought them greater confidence doing their amazing apostolic works after Christ’s resurrection. Then, when they were baptized in the Spirit, they had the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, as well, within them to conduct these works. Hallelujah! We, too, must have “The Gift” of the Holy Spirit to walk in the “Gifts of the Spirit”. Amen? (smile)

So then, I began to think of Believers “practicing” in their spiritual gifts… in this hour, I mean… Now! 

The Spirit was impressing upon me that He wants us to hold an awareness that we are “to practice” to “make perfect” our gifts, from Him, for the Body of Christ!

I recalled that as I authored my recent books, which went from the blogs to books, and then to a series and yet another book, it was if I was “practicing” my gift of writing too. As I “exercised” my gift, it got more honed. I discovered I could “tune in to the Spirit” easier. This was the same experience I had when doing my music years ago. The more I “exercised” my gifts, the more honed they became. The saying, “Practice Makes Perfect,” was coming true, in the sense that I was “ever-improving”, and the gift came forth with “more-and-more ease” as I exercised it.

As these thoughts came, so also then came a flood of additional thoughts:

I also know a lady in our church who walks in the gift of healing. She would regularly be one that laid hands on those coming to the altar for healing. Yet recently, she was diagnosed with cancer and has been suddenly thrust into chemo and radiation treatments herself. I can see, by the Spirit, that the Lord is placing her in a place that activates her own compassion toward others, which releases her gift according to scripture. Soon, I’ve observed, she was having the church’s prayer group pray for this person and that person, that she, herself, was encountering while at the hospital or doctor’s office, aware of their treatments, as well. She is being “moved with compassion” toward them, because of her own fight with cancer and fully realizing “their need”. Therefore, I could tell, by the Spirit, that she is now placed into a circumstance wherein “practice makes perfect” and that soon she will be praying over those she meets, for she is learning compassion and the need for healing… and will be finding out much about her own gift. She may not even know why God is allowing all this, but I sense that she is getting ready for the “practice makes perfect” time of her own gift’s release. Soon her compassion (and it probably has already), will cause her healing gift and her vibrant personality which involves herself toward others, to activate in greater measure! To be “perfected”! This is my perception as I observe and pray for her. Her husband, who walks in the gift of knowledge, exercises his gift a lot, and causes many to come forward at church to the altar in faith for their healing or for God’s intervention in a circumstance, even now… so they make quite the team! Practice has made his gift perfect within him…for he exercises it a lot! It has come to maturity. He has the complete confidence of our pastor and the people within the congregation. His gift affects many others in the Body of Christ, as do all those exercising their gifts.

Also, thoughts come that our worship leader, who is called to be a leader among men, was led by the Lord to go out for a season to construction jobs that required travel and leading teams of workmen. On the surface, it could appear that he is not fully exercising his gift as an anointed worship leader, but the worship part hasn’t left him (His practice of that over the years has made him “perfect in that gift”, meaning, it has reached maturity,  and he is able to use it at any time for the glory of God); Rather, “practice makes perfect” is coming forth as he is learning to “lead men”! If he can lead men “in the world”, he is becoming equipped to lead men “in the Body of Christ”, Amen? He, too, is in the midst of “practice makes perfect” He is learning how to stand. He is learning how to lead. He is learning trust and dependence on God for his household while he must be away. His wife also is learning business and dependency upon the Lord in her spouse’s absence. I can pray that God has his way in this household during this season of stretching them. Why? “Practice Makes Perfect!”

I believe God is having his way, as people pray. So be alert, today!

What are you “practicing” that is meant to be perfected? What is the Holy Spirit doing within you? 

Each one is learning their gifts and callings. I believe this with all my heart. 

You, a follower of Christ, are not left out. There is something going on within your own life’s experience, right now. So become alert to it. Pray about it. 

My own husband, Leonard, is preaching often on Sunday nights, and we are thankful our wonderful pastor allows him to stand in the pulpit. What is happening? He is “practicing his gift” of preaching, and “practice makes perfect” …and he is getting better and better at what he is preaching. His spiritual gift is being honed! God is making it easier to receive His Messages for the church. He is finding it easier to express himself. People’s responses are becoming more noticeable. They are letting him know his words are impacting them, which encourages him even more so.

The musicians know that “practicing” makes them better players and more comfortable in the exercising of their gift as well. They get used to harmonizing and working together with others. “Practice makes perfect” is happening in their lives too. 

Same is true of teachers, parents, workers…just everyone! We, as believers, are all called of God. He wants his church to come to maturity. Amen?! (smile) And as we “practice” he will “make perfect” that which he has for us to do in accordance with His Will. Some believers’ gifts are more visible to others, but to God ALL our gifts are visible. He sees that lady who makes cakes for others, which improve with each making, for her “practice makes perfect”. He sees that man who is quiet but does amazing work in the church in practical ways… and that man that assists the pastor in travel and purpose. He sees each one that steps forth to share their gifts with the body. Each one. Not just a few. Each one. And “practice makes perfect” is true of us all. So, exercise the gift that he has given you for the edification of the Body of Christ. Amen?!

Are you practicing in your own gift? Maybe you’re meant to be an intercessor. Are you practicing prayer throughout the day? 

Are you going to the Lord and asking his counsel after you know you have “walked in your gift”? Some of you are so new at this, you may even need to ask God to “reveal” your gift to you. And He will. Your gift is something that comes very easily to you, but stepping out in it the first time may require obedience to his still small voice inside of you. That stepping out is “practicing” … so don’t be afraid to do this. The more you step out, the more you’ll practice, and the more perfected your gift will become.

Is your gift being honed by “exercising it”? I pray so.

My mind goes to a particular lady in our church who, in the past year or so, has set an example of stepping out in an area that she had never walked in before…that of helping with worship. God had instructed her, I imagine, because He knew she had an obedient heart and there would be a need in that area for leadership and servanthood both, and she did as she was told. She discovered “practice makes perfect” and grows stronger in her gift in that area daily. Be ready to “practice”, in other words, where you may not have before. The Lord may be moving us all around to fit as it pleases Him. He’s in charge. Amen?! Recently a young lady preached that we ought all be “open to change” and to have a “yes” in our hearts to do so.

My father, Bernard Norland, whose picture appears with this post, has preached the gospel of Jesus Christ from a teenager. He is now 90 and still has been asked to preach. Why? Because he has honed his spiritual gift! He has exercised it for many years and has The Word literally pouring out of his mouth at all times. He is never retired although he has been retired for years. Why? Because his gift operates as a part of who he is. It is inseparable from him. Amen?

So, to close this article… I don’t want to ignore God. He says over and over, TODAY if you hear my voice, harden not your heart… so I intend to “practice makes perfect” when it comes to sharing the news that “Practice Makes Perfect” is what I heard within my spirit. (smile)

The last thought I had this morning, was this: 

Again, I recalled the word, wherein the disciples came back to Jesus, very excited about how the devils (evil spirits) were subject unto them through Jesus’ name.  In other words, the spirits “left the people they were tormenting” at the disciple’s command. Yet Jesus Christ responded, in Luke 10:18-20, with these words:

And he said unto them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”.

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

“Notwithstanding, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.”

The “focus” we are to keep, even as we are practicing our gifts and doing works in Jesus’ name, is to rejoice that we have been saved. We have received redemption through the blood of Christ and have had our names written in the Lamb’s book of life, having been “brought out” of the Kingdom of Darkness and “placed into” the glorious Kingdom of Light. This is our greatest treasure. Our most profound blessing! In reading through Revelation this week, I noted all the references to those whose names were written in the Lamb’s book of life. So, it is good for us to keep the main thing, the main thing in our lives. I hope you understand this:

That even though I share with you “things the Lord shares with me” …as part of my writing “gift” for the Body… That being Christ’s and a part of His Body...i.e., being saved and going to heaven where my name is written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life…is my greatest joy and treasured hope

May it always remain yours too! 

It is within this confidence of our own salvation and eternal life that our gifts operate to their fullest! 



Written this 26th day of March 2024 - Elizabeth Ann Smith,

PS To those in my own church who know of whom I refer in this blog, I am not singling out anyone. Only telling of those who came to my mind. I'm sure that has to do with familiarity. The Lord has need of us all, Amen? And this message pertains to us all and includes all. So don't let the devil sit on your shoulder for a second whispering in your ear that you are somehow left out. God needs every single one of his sons and daughters operating in their gifts and callings in this hour. Amen! Visible or invisible. He sees.