From the recording Christ's Sermon In Song

This song comes from Matthew 7:15-20. In these end times, my friends, we will have to be able to discern between the genuine and the false... and how we'll know false teachers will not be by their profession, but by the fruit they are producing. Is it godly or ungodly fruit? What are WE producing? ourselves? It's time to examine ourselves to see if we are truly abiding in Christ the Vine.


I say be aware
Of false teachers
For they will come to you
In sheep's clothing
But they inwardly
Are as ravenous wolves
(And their fruit is bad)
Therefore, by their fruits you will know them
I say by their fruits
You will know them
For do grapes come from thorns
Or from off the vine
(And I am the Vine)
It's from me
That you bear good fruit
And know
Every corrupt tree's hewn down
(Cast into the fire)

Therefore, by their fruits
You will know them
I say, by their fruits
You will know them
Is the tree they are
Bearing good fruit?
As they represent me?
For I give them fruit
They're my branches
And the fruit I give
Only good fruit
But a corrupt tree
Beareth evil fruit
Which comes
From the Enemy

A good man
That is mine
Will cling
To me
For he knows
That the fruit he bears
It is only
As he draws near
And he draws all
His nourishment
From me
(The Vine)

Therefore, by their fruits
You shall know them
I say by their fruits
You shall know them
Yes a corrupt tree
It is evil
And gives you thorns and thistles
For you see
All good fruit
Comes from the vine

All good fruit
Comes from the vine
(And I am the vine)